FL Studio 12.9 BETA 5 - ostatni tydzień na testy

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Rejestracja: 06 wrz 2018, 14:16

FL Studio 12.9 BETA 5 - ostatni tydzień na testy

Post autor: ZDV-12 »

Został już ostatni tydzień do testowania najnowszej wersji FL Studio BETA 5 (uruchamia się tylko do 22 kwietnia tego roku).Pobrać wersję na Windows można stąd:

https://support.image-line.com/redirect ... 29beta_win

A stąd FL Studio na MacOS:

https://support.image-line.com/redirect ... 29beta_mac

Poniżej lista zmian oraz naprawionych błędów w FL Studio 12.9 BETA 5:

Kod: Zaznacz cały



        "Alternate mixer track highlighting" is now on when high visibility mode is on

        Better names when merging and consolidating clips in the playlist

        Menu items that have no hint use the caption as a hint instead, when high visibility mode is on

        MIDI import has options to import time signatures and to treat zero-velocity notes as note on messages

        User data is now saved to the "shared data" folder by default

        Various tweaks to snapping & grid vertical lines

        Edison: added keyboard input button

        FL Studio Mobile updated to version 3.1.891

        Fruity Compressor now optionally reports its latency (on by default)

        Newtone: scale menu is not closed by right-click anymore

        Plugin Manager: verify option is now on by default

        Slicex: new option to set the cut group for all slices to a value

        ZGE Visualizer: added "Stripe Peeks" by Youlean


        Multi monitors supported

        Edison: denoise is now disabled


        FL Studio DXi is no longer included



        Access violation when the piano roll is empty and Shift + D is pressed

        Can't drag audio from the sample preview in the channel settings window to plugins

        Mouse cursor remains invisible when F3 is pressed (to show a popup menu) while updating a control

        News panel is empty until clicked

        Notes pasted between two patterns are off by one or two bars

        Punch in and out marker menu entries are visible when they shouldn't be

        Quick chop crashes when there are no notes

        Sampler pitch doesn't change after choosing stretch modes

        Selecting Mode > Stretch in channel settings doesn't work

        Show drop area for samples dragged from plugins in the playlist

        Touch keyboard fade out is incorrect at lower animations settings

        Various fixes and improvements to new tool bars

        3xOsc: the rounded saw waveform is incorrect in 64 bit

        Edison: center line of EQ is now more visible

        Fruity Phaser: cpu spikes in 32 bit version

        Slicex: cut group edit box is too narrow

        VFX Level Scaler: the plugin doesn't process when the editor window is not visible

        VFX Level Scaler: automation value range is incorrect


        Cmd + click in the browser doesn't replace a sample

        Cycling through browser items stalls at at long file names

        External tools can't be selected

        Audio Unit version of Melda plugins aren't listed in Plugin Manager
źródło: https://forum.image-line.com/viewtopic. ... 0&t=184428

Dodano: 16.04.2018 16:28 | Autor: ZDV-12
