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Zmiany znajdziecie w poniższym cytacie:
Kod: Zaznacz cały
Added latency compensation for side inputs and outputs of channels and effect plugins
Countdown before recording is now off by default
New stutter patterns for clip chopping
Option to resize all playlist tracks to a specific percentage
PR: renamed "e;Select possible conflicts"e; to "e;Select overlapping notes"e;
"e;Shared data folder"e; has been renamed to "e;User data folder"e; in File settings
The floating hint bar is now never shown when the option is off
Toolbar:Online panel and Downloader button are now separate items
Toolbar: stay-down buttons are now all orange when down
Toolbar: when the main menu is removed, it's added to its own column of the overflow menu
Toolbar: main pitch knob now snaps at 100 cents
Toolbar: song title is easier to read
"e;Touch keyboard"e; has been renamed to "e;Touch controller"e;
User data folder is automatically searched for samples (doesn't have to be in the search path list)
Control Surface: snap to grid option
DrumSynth Live: added send track names to control's popup menu
DrumSynth Live: send works for any mixer track now
Plugin Manager: plugins can be dragged to FL to load them
Slicex: added popup with track names to send control
ZGE Visualizer: improved FFT quality
Control Creator available
Add plugin menus don't update after a plugin has been favorited
Browsing files from a plugin doesn't always work
Channel Rack: audio clips are added in reverse order
Dragging "e;Save preset as"e; to Windows doesn't work immediately
Error on auto save because of missing backup folder
Improvements to the way the offline help file is used
Improvements to grid lines in the playlist and piano roll
Improvements to finding a unique name for merged patterns
Freeze adding a step to the step sequencer after creating a new pattern
Lag when adding channels to the PL
Mixer: right-side dock is always hidden when a project is loaded
Mixer: send icons colors are incorrect when using custom track colors
Note preview in graph editor is cut short
Notes are not always imported when opening a MIDI file
PL: clips are not selected in the picker panel when they're dragged around
PL: track activity color is incorrect in some cases
PL: various problems with snap and grid lines
PL: the preview when dropping multiple samples doesn't use the correct track heights
PL: crash using shift+select on the last pattern in the list
PR: preset selected from drop down menu of chop tool is forgotten when the Time Mul knob is used
Plugin database is empty after install to an existing FL folder
Plugin windows can be hidden behind the browser when detaching and re-attaching them
Project info window shows up in wrong location when FL is stretched over multiple screens
Project files opened from the command line are not added to the recent projects menu
Reversing an audio clip's sample doesn't revert the regions
Send to Edison has unicode issues
Song position indicator is shown at high zoom level when "e;Precise time indicator"e; is off
Stuck notes when using an arpeggiator
Toolbar: various fixes to output scope
3xOsc & Patcher: names of some per-note parameters are not set
Control Surface: control names aren't loaded correctly
DirectWave: "e;Show note names in host"e; option should not be in the global section
DirectWave: unable to edit zones 255 and up in the zone editor
Edison: silence inserted when switching from "e;On input"e; to "e;On play"e; while the record button is pressed
FPC: requests permission to overwrite files for each sample even when there are duplicate samples
Gross Beat: editor width is not remembered when switching to compact mode and back
Multiband Compressor: Ratio knob for the low band doesn't reset to the middle position
Newtone: can't drop samples from browser
Sakura: high cpu usage in some cases
Sytrus: indication of active tabs is not updated in real time
VFX Level Scaler: some parameter names are incorrect
VFX Level Scaler: doesn't work when the editor is hidden
VFX Level Scaler: settings are not applied immediately
Crash dragging pattern to PL
Crash on close when channel rack is detached
Error when using "e;Export project bones"e;
Export to zip freezes
Improvements to Audio Unit support
Improvements to keyboard handling
Incorrect save location when selecting a project data folder
Mixer: visual glitches after docking tracks
Peak meter cursor shows over other applications
PR: maximized state is not remembered when the window is closed and shown again
Pressing F12 to close a plugin triggers an access violation
Toolbar: have to click twice to select a popup menu option
Toolbar: access violation removing "e;space"e; items
Control Surface: dragging to plugin from Finder doesn't work
DirectWave: clicking on the sample tab crashes FL
HTML Notebook: requested files and urls are not loaded
Parametric EQ 2: bands move a little bit horizontally when pressing the mouse button over them
Plugin Manager: Waves plugins are not verified during scan
Wrapper: crash using Sausage Fattener VST plugin
Wrapper: "e;Use fixed size buffers"e; setting is not recalled correctly
Wrapper: Massive VST has a black editor window
Wrapper: closing a project with more than one Audio Unit plugin crashes
Toolbar: wrong height on first start when Windows is set to 150% scaling
Dodano: 15.05.2018 20:58 | Autor: ZDV-12